Monday, April 21, 2008

A sense of wonder

I love to see the world through the eyes of my kids. Their perspective on things is amazingly simple, yet so profound at the same time.

For example, my daughter Olivia has the unique ability to constantly live in a moment of thankfulness. Whatever the circumstance, she finds something to be thankful for. She continually thanks me for the meals I cook - even if it just chicken nuggets. She tells me I am "the best cooker." At almost four, she has more insight into how being thankful can effect every area of her life than most people 10 times her age. She takes joy in the small things and lets her family know she appreciates them. She is not shy in telling her brother she appreciates him, that he is a good brother. I have heard her many times tell Aiden "you are the best 'brudder' in the world" and of course, her dad is not to be left out. On Easter Sunday, Abel dressed very nicely - (for the choir debut at church). When she saw him that morning, she was so excited, she told me "oh mommy, daddy looks so handsome!" For a little girl, she takes notice of so much, and is thankful for all she has; big and small. I only pray she continues in this as she grows.

Not to be left out, Aiden is a wonder of his own. His love of learning is so amazing. He relishes in each new concept he masters; whether it is school or church or conquering a hard part of a drawing. Aiden enjoys learning. It is nothing short of pure joy to watch his face light up as the pieces fall together and he "gets it". His thirst for knowledge is not limited to things I consider "normal" for a 5 year old; he can talk for days about the solar system or dinosaurs and he does not talk in generic terms - he is so specific. He has questions that make me stop and think - even some that I have a hard time answering. I pray that this love of learning only continues to grow.

Both of my children are gifts from God - no doubt about it. Seeing life through their eyes gives me the opportunity to remember that God desires so much for us. "God desires for everything to be new, for us to be thankful in all things - no matter how small; just like Olivia. He wants us to relish learning new things, to have a desire for him that is unquenchable. Just like Aiden's thirst for knowledge. My children teach me so much every day, I am so grateful for them! Their approach to life at such a young age leaves me filled with such a sense of wonder. I know they are truly God's gift to me!


Diana said...

That was cute!!!
Your little ones are so cute!

Kimberly Kay said...

Awwww - I love this blog! Aiden an Olivia truly are gifts from God and we should all take the opportunity to "see life through their eyes" every so often. What a fresh perspective that would give us.