Monday, December 1, 2008

Time with THE King!

Today I started reading the story of Esther. Oh, how I love this story!! (Have you seen the movie One Night With The King? It is awesome! ) If you have not read this book in the Bible, it tells the story of a young Jewish girl who becomes queen of Persia and eventually saves her people. But today I would like to focus on chapter 1, the beginning of the story.

In chapter 1, King Xerxes is throwing a huge party. After 7 days, he decides to summon Queen Vashti to the party. He wants her to come before him, wearing her royal crown, so everyone can see how beautiful she is. He sends his men to get her and she says no! What in the world?? As I read the chapter, I was overwhelmed by how much this decision caused Vashti to miss out on! The king was celebrating, there was beautiful linens, decorations, etc everywhere, I am sure the wine and food flowed freely, yet his desire was to see the queen. He sent for her, asking her to come wearing her crown to enhance her beauty and she flat out refused! By doing so, she set an awful example for the women of the land, she embarassed her husband and king; and ultimately she sealed her own fate and was banished from the king's presence and replaced.
I wonder why she made the choice she did? Was she nervous about all the people?? Was she irritated at the request? Was she trying to show her irritation at not being allowed at the king's feast? Regardless of her reason, she chose to be disobedient and not submissive, so she missed out on the lavishness of the king.

How often do we do that? Our King asks us to spend time with him, so He can see our beauty, enhance it even; and we have other things to do. We choose to spend our time with others, doing other things. Are they as important as God? No, yet we choose them over Him time and time again. I know I am guilty of this. I wonder how much of my King's lavish provision I have missed out on because I was disobedient and not submitting to his authority in my life?

Lord, please help me to be more attentive to you! I desire to spend more time with you. I need to spend more time with you. Show me your ways. Change me!


Tracie said...

What a wonderful post! I know I have missed out on spending time with God as well. I pray every morning that he help me put him first in all that I do and in all decisions I make. It's a struggle sometimes because the human side of me "needs" things or to do things but in reality, I don't "really" need them. God provides all that I need.

Maribel said...

I havent read the story just yet, but I can definatlly relate. I have been guilty of this as well, but lately.. I have been spending time with God now more than ever. Sometimes we do tend to get caught up in other things, and leave the most important out, which is Christ!! But his grace always brings us back. My prayer life is so much better, I praise him in the morning, I praise him in the noon time and I praise him when the sun goes down... thats me singing!!

Samina said...

Love your insight on the story of Esther. This is definitely something I feel we all struggle with. But I truly believe that God knows the desires of our hearts and is there with us no matter what. I also know that He wants us to desire Him as much He desires us. Thank you Lord for being patient with us...and for ALWAYS being there with us...I praise you! :)